Monday, April 20, 2009

TSL521 Notification


Dear colleagues,

This notification is about TSL521 – Teaching Literature in the ESL Classroom.

You may collect your quiz 1 and journal starts from today (left outside of Mr. Nasirin Abdillah’s office). The rest will be out next week, probably on 27th April 2009.

Please inform the others.

Thank you.


P/S: Good luck for tomorrow!


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Exam Slip - Printout!


Dear colleagues,

The final examination is getting closer and closer to you; meaning that the most stressful period of the studying year is virtually approaching you. Therefore, a good preparation is, against all odds, tremendously crucial in order to make your dream comes true – excellence in the final examination (and high marks for on-going assessments too).

Before, please make sure that you have already printed out your examination registration slip stated in the student portal. Do check the codes printed on your exam slip; if there any mistake(s) regarding to the code(s), please contact your TESL coordinator for further action, otherwise, you are not allowed to sit for the paper of which you strived hardly for it over the months. Failing to take advantage of an opportunity, you may miss the boat! Hence, please act before it is too late!

So, fundamentally, how is your preparation? What form your rev
ision is? Is it individually or interactively in-group discussion? Well! Roslaily and I used to group-discuss (some friends who live nearby join our group discussion too!) the past-year question papers and the notes of the codes of the semester. I believe that some of you might have to sink or swim; meaning that you might have to study alone. Consequently, your success or failure depends entirely on your own efforts. Yet, if you collaboratively group-discuss with your friends, they might lighten/lessen the pressure of burdensome preparation to face the final examination (division of labour!).

Besides, some more things should be put into account to guarantee that you are really well-prepared for it. Just question yourself:-

1) How much material do you need to cover?
Of course, lots of materials to read (for four or five codes of all), especially that of Teaching Literature in ESL Classroom; it is so bulky, ain’t it!

2) How difficult are the material(s)?
Some materials are scarcely comprehensible and hardly memorized (for instances, that of Applied Phonetics and Phonology, Educational Psychology, and Principles and Practices in ELT Classroom) contain tremendous number of technical terminologies.

3) How much time is available?
Less than fifteen days (Really? No way!).

4) Do you have any other priorities during the study period?
Yes! Sleeping, internet surfing, flirting (puppy love), chatting, and so much more…

5) What is the format of the exam?
Sudah gaharu cendana pula… (Code-switching!)

6) How important the examination is to you?
Well! You know better!...

7) What is your performance target for the examination?
Dean list, three pointer, two pointer, ‘enough-enough eat’, failure, or what? Whatever it is, accordingly, it depends on how much you put your trust in Allah (Tawakal), and depends as well on your study; how good your strategic investment is, and how far you follow the principles of learning.

Anyway! Thanks for allocating a part of your precious time to read the post.

Best of luck and all the best!

Thank you.


P/S: By the way! Those who still do not submit their assignment(s), please do the submission before 20th April 2009 (the very first day of final examination).

Warmest regards,


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

TSL485 Notification


Dear colleagues,

I met Mrs. T.S. Aini twice to ask her concerning the second test, analysis report and the individual presentation. She said that we will have all those things in one day; in the next meeting!

APRIL FOOL (LOL!)! Got you! In fact, she told me that the analysis report is to be submitted in the very last meeting. Nonetheless, if you wish to submit it prior to the date of submission, then it is up to you/it would be okay too! She said that if the report neccesitates amendment(s), you could fetch it back to refine it. The less error(s)/mistake(s) you make, the higher marks you get.

Regarding to the individual presentation (based on the question that you selected), the meeting for the-whole-day presentation is about to be, yes, rescheduled as well. Thus, you have some more time to set up for the slides (or, conceivably, you have more time to procrastinate! LOL!).

Please inform the rest.

Thank you.


Best wishes,

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Final Examination Schedule (April 2009)


To Whom It May Concern:

Examination unit of UiTM has officially released a very first draft of a final examination schedule of this semester (April 2009), is as follows:

1) 20th April 2009 [(Monday) (9.00 am – 12.00 pm)]:
TSL485 – Applied Phonetics and Phonology

2) 23rd April 2009 [(Thursday) (9.00 am – 12.00 pm)]:
EDU550 – Educational Psychology

3) 25th April 2009 [(Saturday) (9.00 am – 12.00 pm)]:
TSL450 – Principles and Practice in ELT

4) 30th April 2009 [(Thursday) (2.15 pm – 5.15)]:
TSL521 –Literature in ELT Classroom

This final examination schedule, which I enclose in this post, consists of merely four codes that everybody had previously registered for them via student portal respectively. Hence, please obtain other sources for further information.

In fact, I had already attached the first draft of the final examination schedule in PDF-formed file to your e-mail prior to a new post published on my blog, thus, you may check for a date and time of the remaining codes. Should you find the details easily, just open the PDF file and press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘F’ buttons on your computer/laptop keyboards simultaneously; the ‘Find Tool’ may pop up. Type the subject code(s) you intend to search for in the Find Tool and, Walla; the details (the date and time of the code) may appear on the right side of the subject code.

By the way, the schedule is subject to change(s).

May the excellence be with us!

Thank you.


Best regards,

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Second Test - TSL450 (Reminder!)


Dear colleagues,

There is the latest notification brought to you by Mr. Muhmad Nur (message received at 1.44 pm - 12th March 2009).

The second test covers a number of chapters – start from chapter six to twelve.
Besides, he told me that he will have us tested in the morning before we go for 'commercial break.'

Best of luck!

Thank you.



Monday, March 2, 2009

TSL521 - Presentation (Slides & Written Report)


Dear colleagues,

There was a message sent by Mr. Nasirin Abdillah regarding our class on this Friday (I received it last Saturday):

“TSL521 is on as usual next week, 6 March. All presentations and papers must be completed. Marks will be deducted for any delay. Please come on time. Class starts at 8 am. Inform others.”

Well! It sounded rather odd since this was my first time receiving that sort of strictly typed short message from Mr. Nasirin. You better watch yourself and do prepare for your presentation (slides and written report) as requested by him.

Do not even try to awaken the lion!


P/S: Text highlighted in red indicates 'highly jeopardized' (the state in which Ultraman's light indicator blinks!).
